Automatically post Instagram pictures on Twitter using IFTTT

Learn how to create an applet that lets you Tweet your Instagram as native photos on Twitter

Learn how to create an applet that lets you Tweet your Instagram as native photos on Twitter.

The programming conditional expression "if this, then that" is where IFTTT gets its name. IFTTT offers a software platform that links products, services, and apps from various developers in order to start one or more automations involving those products, services, and apps

What is an Applet?

IFTTT is made up of applets.

  • An Applet connects two or more apps or devices together. It enables you to do something that those apps or services could not do on their own.
  • Applets are composed of triggers and actions.
  • Triggers initate a response or action from an app or service.

Create applet: "Tweet your Instagram as native photos on Twitter"

This applets will allow your instagram photos to show up in your twitter account as full image rather than a link.

Click on Create.

Let's add the If This part.

Select Instagram from the list of services provided.

Select the first option, Any new photo by you. This trigger fires everytime you share any new photo on instagram.

Click on Connect.

Allow your Instagram account to be accessed.

Now, add the Then That part.

Select Twitter from the list of services.

Select the second option, Post a tweet with image. This will post a new tweet to your Twitter account with an image.

Click on Connect.

Authorize IFTT to access your Twitter account.

Under tweet text we have Caption Ingredient, that is the caption of your Instagram post will be copied for your Twitter tweet as well.

Click on Create Action.

Click Conitnue and then Finish.

The applet will be connected.

Instagram photo automatically posted on Twitter using IFTTT

New Instagram post is made.

The same image with the Instagram caption has been automatically Tweeted into the Twitter feed.


IFTTT is a very useful tool that can help you connect services from differnt providers and therefore help you up your productivity game.